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7th Awareness Raising Event. NSW Parliament House. 7th May 2024

EventMay 07, 2024

7th Awareness Raising Event. NSW Parliament House. 7th May 2024

Tuesday, 7 May 2024

Join us for our 7th Awareness Raising Event at NSW Parliament House. 6 Macquarie Street, Sydney

Parliamentary host: The Hon. Sophie Cotsis, MP

"Innovative clinical trials seeking to individualise brain cancer therapy"

This annual education event is open to the public, bringing together patients, carers, specialists, community leaders and major donors.


5.45 pm Refreshments in the Fountain Court

6.30 pm - 8.00 pm  Presentations in the Theatrette to be followed by coffee/tea/petit four


Dr Adrian Lee. Director, TBCG

Welcome and Introduction

Dr Helen Wheeler. Director, TBCG

Overview of Clinical Trials

Dr Subo Thavaneswaran. Medical Oncologist, The Kinghorn Centre

Finding the right trial for you: How molecular precision can match novel treatments to the individual.

A/Prof Michael Back. Director, TBCG

Personalising radiotherapy for glioblastoma by using sophisticated brain cancer imaging - MANGO, GUAVA, FIG trials and more.

-Closing Remarks: Beyond the horizon: recent discoveries and next steps.

Download the invitation here

For catering purposes please RSVP by Friday May 3rd



T: (02) 8425 3369 |

Dr Jackie Yim, Head of Operations and Research: 0404 821 289

Suzane Peponis-Brisimis, Director: on 0418 238 723

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7th Awareness Raising Event. NSW Parliament House. 7th May 2024

7th Awareness Raising Event. NSW Parliament House. 7th May 2024

EventMay 07, 2024